Sunday, February 1, 2015


We’ve all heard the news. After more than 25 years of teasing, wishing, hoping, etc we are finally getting a new Ghostbusters film. However, this film will not feature the original cast or even the original director. This will be a complete reboot featuring four female comedians and a director known for helming highly successful female led comedies. . . . That’s an interesting idea to say the least. You might think that it’s something strange and it don’t look good, but it’s happening.

Now the song is stuck in your head

Believe me when I say that no one is more excited/nervous for this than me. I’ve been a huge Ghostbusters fan my entire life. I must have worn out 3 or 4 copies of the VHS before switching to the DVDs and BluRays when those came out. Yes I’m one of those people that buy the “Special Editions” and “Anniversary” sets. I don’t care, it’s fun for me to collect these things. Ghostbusters is my favorite film of all time. I think, in many ways, it’s the perfect movie. It has horror, comedy, action, drama (well a little), and great characters played by great actors. I know there is some animosity toward it (mostly from Bill Murray) but I also love Ghostbusters 2. I thought Vigo was an awesome villain and I’ve secretly always wanted to find a way to bring the Statue of Liberty to life.

I'm this close to it I swear! 

So how do I feel about a female led, rebooted Ghostbusters film? Well, I’m not gonna lie, I have mixed feelings. First of all, I have no problem with an all female cast, especially the one we got, because they’re all hilarious and awesome. The fact that it's  reboot is also ok wiith me. I don’t mind that idea. I’m pretty sure it was always going to be a reboot anyway considering Bill Murray’s reluctance to it and Harold Ramis’s tragic passing. However, a new Ghostbusters film is going to be tricky no matter if it’s Ghostbusters 3 or Ghostbusters: Reborn (not the official title). Ghostbusters was a pretty unique concept back in the day. The idea that normal dudes would discover ghosts and then figure out a way to catch them was different. Then of course, the main characters were played by three up and coming actors known for their work on Saturday Night Live and Second City. The movie had risk written all over it, but the filmmakers and actors all knew they had something special on their hands. It ended up being this fantastic film that has stood the test of time. It’s an inspiration to a lot of filmmakers and comedians working today. Like I said, the movie is just about perfect. 


If Sony and Paul Feig are serious about rebooting Ghostbusters, I have a few requests. I’ve seen a lot of sequels, remakes, reboots, and what-have-yous over the years to know what makes one successful and what makes one not so successful. Here are my 5 SUGGESTIONS FOR THE GHOSTBUSTERS REBOOT:

Call back jokes, similar set pieces, and a same basic plot structure are what kills remakes and sequels. It’s probably part of the reason that Ghostbusters 2 wasn’t as successful because the film basically starts with the Ghostbusters having to “get back in business.” Granted, it worked for the movie but I’m willing to bet that a film that started off with the guys still being Ghostbusters is what audiences wanted back then. It’s what we were all expecting for a third film (at least I was). For the reboot to be successful it’s best not to recycle the first one’s jokes, ghosts, and plot structure. Granted, since it is a reboot the most likely scenario is the women are gonna discover ghosts and then find a way to catch them like in the original. That’s ok, but the buck should stop there. And yes, I’m including Slimer here. Have you seen the new Star Wars trailer? There’s a new droid in that film that looks a bit like R2 D2 but isn’t. 

Air Bud: Robot Dogs in Space Playing Space Soccer

That’s what this film needs. Maybe a teeny, tiny Slimer cameo but for the most part let’s see some new ghosts. Fun fact - Slimer was based on John Belushi, Dan Akroyd’s friend and original team member during his first draft of the script. Little personal touches like that made Slimer unique. Creative touches like that will help make the movie special and new. 

Ok so this might seem contradictory to what I just said but let’s face it, the biggest star of Ghostbusters is this freaking song. Even if you have never seen the movie, you have heard this song. It’s played at Halloween parties and sometimes still pops up on the radio (if you’re listening to the right station). A new song will probably be written, most likely by Pitbull (he wrote the song for Men In Black 3 instead of Will Smith for some reason). But here’s the thing, the original "Ghostbusters" song is catchy. It’s iconic. Fun fact – the phrase "Who ya gonna call" are not said by a single person in the entire first film. Don’t believe me? Watch it and then tell me I’m right. That phrase is only famous and synonymous with Ghostbusters because of the song. The song can and should come back. I’m willing to bet the first trailer we get for the film will include it. 

Ghostbusters works, above everything else, because the cast was amazing and perfect. They were already friends and had a great rapport with each other. It clearly shows in the film. They are each unique, honest, irreplaceable human beings. We might see other actors LIKE Bill Murray but there’s only one Bill Murray. 

He's great in everything

Most of his dialogue is improvised, and they let him get away with it because he’s hilarious and a genius. For this new film to be successful or at least have any chance of being as funny as the first film, the cast will need room to stretch their legs. You’ve hired four very funny women, Sony; let them be funny. Ghostbusters is remembered more for being a comedy than a horror and there’s good reason for that. Having said that . . . 

Yes, the Ghostbusters films are comedies first and foremost, but let’s not forget that there are some genuinely scary moments in both films. During my 1000th view of the first film I realized how scary it can be. Remember when Dana is dragged into her kitchen and held down by the arms that popped out of her chair? 

Ghostbusters fan art by James Cameron

Imagine that happening to you in real life. That’s pretty fucking terrifying. It’s sold because Sigourney Weaver is a terrific actress and she nailed it. And think about this, have you ever told someone a scary story and they just laughed? Ghostbusters is kind of like that. In the moment, it’s scary but you can laugh about it later. Remember the library scene? The guys run in terror from the ghost but then laugh about it. “That was your whole plan? Get her? It was scientific.” Akroyd has said in interviews that comedy can come out of horror and that’s why he wanted to make the film a horror/comedy. He was right and it was done very well in Ghostbusters. It’s ok to have a few genuine scary moments because we know that the comedy is gonna calm us all back down so we can sleep at night. 

The “Sony Hack” from a couple months ago showed us that everyone from Jennifer Lawrence to Channing Tatum wants in on the Ghostbusters franchise. That’s all well and good but if superhero movies have taught us anything it’s that making a movie and holding things back for the sequel or trilogy is very damaging. Look at the Amazing Spider-Man films. I know they were trying to tell a good story and wanted to build it into a “shared universe” but that only works when the individual films tell their own stories. The best example of a successful trilogy is definitely the Dark Knight trilogy. Nolan didn’t hold back in any of those films. He made those films with the sole focus being one film at a time. The first Ghostbusters was made thinking that there will never be a sequel (probably because nobody was thinking about it back then). The main reason that there was a sequel was to capitalize on the highly successful Real Ghostbusters cartoon. That’s another thing that probably hurt Ghostbusters 2 in hindsight. Whatever, I still like it. The point is, let’s just make this film and see where it goes. There’s no need to set up a sequel or a franchise. Ghostbusters Academy, Ghostbusters: Back in Time, Ghostbusters/21 Jump Street, and Ghostbusters v Men in Black will have to wait (I made all those up by the way, because I’m a genius). Sony, learn from your Spidey mistakes. Make this film the best film it can be and then the sequel will come. Otherwise you’ll be renting the rights to Ghostbusters out to Marvel. 

Are you a god?

I mean I know that Marvel doesn't own the rights to Ghostbusters but you never know . . . maybe someday they'll just start buying shit . . . 

Like I said, Ghostbusters is my favorite movie of all time. It’s the film that made me want to be an actor and writer. It was just meant to be a fun project for these guys to do together and it ended up being a classic. A new film won’t ruin the original films. At best, it will be a nice addition to the Ghostbusters mythology. At worst, we can all just roll our eyes and forget about it. Anyone who is on the fence about the new film, believe me, I get it. But think of it this way, it’s being made by people that genuinely want to do it right and not just to cash in on it. Over the next 17 months we’ll have a lot to talk about with news, photos, and trailers to discuss. I’m excited to see what this new film has to offer! BUSTIN MAKES ME FEEL GOOD!

Till Next Time!

JJ - The Comic Junkie!

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