Saturday, June 27, 2015


The producers of Gotham have announced that season 2 will focus on the origins of the Riddler, Mr. Freeze, and the Joker. I'm not surprised by the Riddler. After all, I've spoken before how I think he'll be the big bad of season 2 (to an extent). Mr. Freeze is certainly an interesting choice. Maybe they'll show him as a loving husband to his sick wife Nora while he's body building.

Ice to see you again, Detective Gordon!

And then there's the Joker. I had a previous post how I felt that the producers should leave the Joker alone. A little mystery here and there is cool but let's not give him a name or a recognizable face. Part of the Joker's appeal is that we know very little, if anything, about his past. There have been multiple origins in some form or another. There's the Killing Joke which gives an origin for the Joker. He later claims it could be not real though. There's the 1989 Batman film, which says that he was a gangster driven mad by the chemicals Batman dropped him in. There's the recent Zero Year story which expanded the Red Hood storyline, directly tying it into Batman's origins. All of these are, as the Joker would say, "multiple choice." 

Since the producers are ignoring my blog (no matter how many times I retweet this shit!) I'm going to accept the Joker as a major character during Gotham's new season. The question now becomes who is he (or she if they really wanna fuck with us) going to be?


He's definitely the most likely candidate. Having already been introduced and teased as a teenage (possible) Joker, we'll definitely be seeing more Jerome. Coming from a circus family, he couldn't take his mother's shall we say, promiscuous nature any more and killed her. In one scene, he proved to the audience that he was a more than a little crazy and could one day put on the purple pants. I think it would be cool to see him come back and really mess with the GCPD and really pull some major strings. The Joker is a very manipulative and brilliant man. Seeing Jerome get under Gordon or Bullock's skin would be really exciting and could make for a total mind fuck of an episode or two. 


One of my favorite episodes of the first season featured the origins (so to speak) of the Red Hood Gang. In the episode, one member of the gang wears a red hood and claims that it gives him extra confidence and luck. During the episode, one by the one the gang kills each other off until they've all been killed. The episode ends with a young boy finding the Hood and pretending to shoot at the police. One of the reasons I love this episode so much is that whoever wears the Red Hood embodies some aspect of the Joker's personality. It's almost as if the Hood is already gifted (or cursed depending on how you look at it). It would be pretty awesome if whoever is wearing the Hood breaks Jerome out of prison and he steals the Hood for himself. 


Maybe Gotham will totally shock us and go a totally different route with a new Joker identity. Well, not new per se, but one that has not been seen in a long time. With the Penguin claiming to be the "King of Gotham" it stands to reason that someone would rise up to challenge him. Because that's what mobsters do. They challenge each other. Plus, Napier is a character that we haven't seen since the original Batman film. He was briefly mentioned in one episode of Batman: the Animated Series but other than that, he's never been used. Plus the name Jack Napier would immediately get fans excited and intrigued. Plus, it would cause more suspicion and mystery to which character was actually going to become the Joker or not. 


Briefly mentioned in The Dark Knight, Melvin White was the name that Bruce and Alfred found while trying to find the Joker. It was never stated that this was the Joker's true identity or even a known alias. I think it was the name of one of Joker's goons. However, it was used to track down the Joker, and therefore I think it gives a link to him (kinda). Regardless, it would still be cool if the name Melvin White appeared during season 2 of Gotham. Like with my Napier suggestion, it would raise the eyebrows of die hard fans and set the internet on fire with speculation. 


Maybe the whole thing is a just a fun cat and mouse game that the producers are playing with the fans. Maybe the Joker is all of the above or none of the above. Maybe he's a brand new character that we didn't see coming. Maybe he's just gonna show up in all his Clown Prince of Crime gloriousness. This would be my vote (if I had a say). I'd like us to never really find out who the Joker is but we have multiple candidates to choose from. There have been a few comedians in Penguin's nightclub. Maybe one of them falls into hard times and picks up a mysterious Red Hood.

 Yo, this dude looks fuckin crazy!

For all we know, the producers are going to spend the whole season making us dig for clues and make us play detective. That would be pretty exciting actually. I'm not sure exactly what route Gotham will take next season, but I'm sure it's going to be interesting! 

Till Next Time!

JJ - The Comic Junkie! 

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