- SPIDER-MAN 2 (swinging through the semi truck) - The first time I saw this part was in the previews. Spidey is doing his classic swinging through New York City and he glides right through the crack between the truck and the trailer of a semi. My eyes bugged out of my head and my jaw dropped. You always wonder what the comic book pages would look like in real life but that moment topped it all! Luckily Spider-Man 2 has the luxury/honor of having the best CGI effects of all the movies.
- BATMAN BEGINS ("I'm Batman") - I knew from the moment the director, actors, and assorted crew were announced that this movie would be fantastic. When the first trailer came out I had a geek out moment but nothing compared to seeing and hearing Batman say, "I'm Batman!" I mean Falcone's all freaked out, "What the hell are you?" and Batman breaks through his sunroof and pulls him out. Actually that whole scene is amazing. They portrayed Batman almost like a serial killer in a horror movie. Which is the most accurate portrayal of Batman. Also, Christian Bale's voice in Begins was way better than the voice he tried in The Dark Knight.
- THE DARK KNIGHT ("A little fight in ya. I like that!" "Then you're gonna love me!") - Again, another great moment from the previews but dammit if it wasn't just as amazing in the movie! The line is kinda cheesy but ya know what? That's what makes these movies great! The villains are evil and the heroes always have a good quip up their sleeve (or in this case in their utility belts lol!! Ahem . . . ) I could probably give about 900 geek out moments in this movie (and from Heath's Joker alone) but I narrowed it down to this because it felt like something out of the comic. The Joker is too busy threatening Rachel to realize that a man dressed as a giant bat is standing next to him. It's a classic Batman/Joker moment in my book.
- SUPERMAN RETURNS (flying up the elevator) - Say what you will at Bryan Singer's attempt at doing a sequel to the original Richard Donner Superman: the Movie. Yeah, the movie is a little boring and Superman doesn't really do anything except admit he had a bastard child with Lois Lane (who is failing gym class? what a dork!) When he learns that Lois is trapped out at sea he sneaks over to the elevator. This is actually a very subtle moment but to me it's so iconically Superman that it gives me chills. I love how he just quietly takes off his glasses and undoes his tie as he shoots upward. I love how simple that shot is. That's what makes it totally awesome for me.
- THE BIG BANG THEORY (Sheldon dresses up as the Flash) - I didn't think I would like this show. I don't know why though. This show is very, very funny. I never thought I would get to see a show where a comic book store is a regular standing set. In Season Two, Penny develops "Penny Blossoms" and the gang stays up all night making them. Penny convinces Sheldon to drink coffee and he is just high on the caffeine. The best is the very end of the episode, Sheldon has been off camera for a while and little did we know he was putting on his Flash costume. He runs out of his room screaming, "ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM!" It was one of the few moments in sitcom television where I laughed so hard that I almost fell out of my chair.
- IRON MAN ("I am Iron Man") - This movie impressed me on a number of levels. I was very excited to see it but much like the parody done on The Onion I felt like the best parts were in the previews and the movie would not live up to its hype. Fortunately for me, it not only lived up but exceeded the hype. Then there was the end of the movie. They come up with an alibi for Stark and he proceeds to read the cards he's given. I sat there thinking, "Oh come on! They can do better than this!" And then, much to my delight, they did do better. He puts the cards down, smirks, and says, "I am Iron Man!" I couldn't believe it! I couldn't remember another comic book movie where the hero did something like that. It really helped to set it apart from everything else I had seen.
- STAR WARS: EPISODE I - THE PHANTOM MENACE (Darth Maul vs the Jedi) - I was a kid when I saw this for the first time so unlike most of the diehard fans I thought it was fantastic. But one thing I shared with those diehard fans was when Darth Maul showed up giving the Jedi that, "Let's fuck some shit up" look and Qui Gon stepping up and saying, "Bring it." It remains my favorite lightsaber battle of all the Star Wars movies. Although in Revenge of the Sith it was totally brutal and intense, this one set the stage for what was to come. And I think I cried when Darth Maul died but not when Qui Gon died. Is that bad?
- SMALLVILLE (Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions) - Much like the Dark Knight, there are probably hundreds of moments I could mention. However, this (as of right now before season 10 starts) remains one of the best for me. As I have said before, Season Six is my favorite season and this moment stands out to me as one of the best in any season. The Justice League has teamed up for the first time to take on their enemy, Lex Luthor, and then they channel their inner Lonely Island and walk away in slow motion from the explosion. Then the camera zooms in on Clark Kent. It's hard to think of Superman as a bad ass but dammit if Tom Welling doesn't make you nod and say, "That guy's a bad ass!"
- TRANSFORMERS ("Megatron!" "Prime!") - This movie is like Michael Bay's dream come true. He gets to blow things up legally. This movie is actually not too bad. I'm not really a Transformers fan. But you have to admit, fan or not, that the movie had some pretty awesome CGI for the robots. My favorite moment in the movie is when they have the fight in the city. Optimus Prime joins the fight, transforming from his truck mode to his fighting mode. Then he stands up and yells, "Megatron!" And Megatron, tossing aside Jazz, screams, "Prime!" You can just feel their hate for each other in those two words. I let out a, "Whoa!" and watched as those two giant toys went about trying to tear each other apart. Sweet . . .
- SAW (Jigsaw stands up) - This is not a comic book movie but this moment does stand out to me as one of the best "WTFs!" in almost any movie I've ever seen. The first Saw is one of the better horror/thrillers I've ever seen. I knew when Adam and Gordon killed Zepp I knew that he was not Jigsaw. I pretty much rolled my eyes when Adam found the tape recorder in Zepp's pocket. But then the dead dude in the middle stands up, cracks his neck and pulls of the prosthetic off his face. I literally stood up and yelled, "What the fuck?!" I was amazed! Now THAT was a twist I did not see coming.
My name is JJ and this is my blog. I like to talk about comic books, movies, TV shows, etc and so on and so forth. I write the way I talk so it may seem a bit scatterbrained but that's just how my mind works. Also I try to be funny so sometimes if I say odd things don't take offense to it. It's just me trying to be goofy and fun. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
10 BEST GEEK OUT MOMENTS (in recent memory):
I admit right off the bat that this is a slightly cheesy list. This list could go on and on and on. But first let me define GEEK OUT for me: GEEK OUT - is when I either jump up in the air, or laugh hysterically, or think a moment is so pulled from the comic books that I cannot contain my excitement and probably embarass my friends at the movie theater. These moments are usually accented with a "Fuck yeah!" or a "Hell yes!" or a "That was fucking awesome." By the way these are in no particular order. So here we go:
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