Friday, August 27, 2010

Superman: Secret Origin

written by Geoff Johns  with art by Gary Frank

This is I believe the conversation that happened between Dan Didio and Geoff Johns before Geoff started writing:

DAN - Hey Geoff, I was think it would be cool if you wrote a Superman origin story like you did with Green Lantern.

GEOFF - Uh . . . Don't people already know the Superman origin?  Hasn't it be told like eighteen times this past decade alone?

DAN - No.  Uh . . . nope.  I don't know it anyway.  Never heard it.

GEOFF - What? Yes you have!  We just watched Superman: the Movie and you said it was the best Superman origin story ever!

DAN - You must have me confused with Jim Lee (our other editor).  Happens all the time.

GEOFF - What?
DAN - Anyway, I called Gary Frank and he's on board to do the artwork.

GEOFF - I dunno Dan.  I'm busy with all this other stuff.

DAN - That's too bad . . . I guess I'll have to give it to James Robinson . . .

GEOFF - No, fuck that guy.  I'll do it.

DAN - Good deal!  Take your time, I'm pretty sure everyone knows how it's gonna end.  Wink.

GEOFF - Did you just say, 'Wink' instead of doing it?

Please be clear that I don't think Geoff Johns hates James Robinson or that Dan Didio is such a weird guy (but maybe).  Anyway, I think it's pretty clear how I feel about this particular story.

While, normally Geoff Johns name on a comic book gets me all excited (and this is not necessarily an exception) and Gary Frank is an added bonus, this story got me feeling kinda meh . . .

It's still a fantastic origin story but to be honest I felt that the origin of Metallo, Lex Luthor, and Parasite was a lot better than the origin of Superman.  Geoff handles all the elements correctly, they just fit together so well you would think this story has been told a dozen times before.  Plus we have ANOTHER one coming out this fall with Superman: Earth One by JMS and Shane Davis.  But that one actually does sound cool and original.  This story felt more like if Geoff Johns wrote Superman: the Movie.  Which is what he was probably going for.

All in all it's a good read, fun and a (slightly) new take on the Superman origin.  It's good but it's not great.  Oh well, better luck next time Johns/Frank (Batman: Earth One!!!)

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